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Rose News “Romantic Roseof Italy” from Venice, Florence, Rome.
And Vatican city by Shamyim Rose Gallery.
ローマ スペイン広場の前で Piazza di Spagna
It is my great pleasure to have visited Italy, especially when I visited to Vatican City.
I really remind me of my first trip to seven European countries. One of the most fascinated place in my life in Italy; Florence is also charmed by its beauty of pictures and arts by‘Renaissance’. I promenade in every town and arts and heritage from the ancient times of Italy. This time I was really touched by my first traveling further to the most sacred place of pilgrimage, Assisi., the very suitable place to live with Romantic red roses and preserved blue roses of Shamayim.
アシッジの赤い薔薇とシャマイムの青い薔薇 Rosa Francesco d'Assisi
Ristorante Primo Piatto ヴェネチア サンマルコ広場
Basilica di San Marco
サンピエトロ大聖堂 天使の扉
Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano

cucina giapponese
Palazzo Ducale ヴェネチア ドウカーレ宮殿
 イタリアン ブレットオレンジ rosa&arancia
ヴェネチア サンマルコ広場
Basilica di San Marco
ピサの斜 Torre di Pisa
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